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  • PTA Teas at Chastleton House

    Published 11/10/24

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  • Year 2 Trip to Chipping Norton Fire Station

    Published 11/10/24

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  • KS1 Harvest Feast

    Published 04/10/24
    Delicious smells of home-made soup and bread wafted from Year 1 and 2 classes on Thursday morning as they prepared their Harvest Bring and Share supper. Year 1 peeled, chopped and blended a range of vegetables to make a delicious
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  • CNSP U11 Football Tournament

    Published 04/10/24
    Year 6 took part in th U11s football tournament at Chipping Norton School on Wednesday. Both the girls' and boys’ teams played brilliantly.
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  • PTA Summer Fete

    Published 20/06/24

    A huge thank you to our wonderful PTA for organising a fantastic summer fete last weekend.  It was a beautiful day and was a very well attended event.  They managed to raise £2856 which will go towards buying new resources and funding trips to enhance the curriculum at Holy Trinity.  We are so grateful to this amazing group of parents and staff who do so much for our school - do email, if you would like to join our team (  Even if you don't have a great deal of time to spare, every little helps!

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  • First Holy Communion

    Published 20/06/24

    On Sunday, we had the pleasure of celebrating our children's First Holy Communion with them. Fr Clive led a beautiful service for us, with the children leading the offertory procession. 

    Thank you to the parents that were able to be a part of this important occasion in their child's journey of faith and a big congratulations to Luiz, Milan, Aimee, Bea, Hannah, Emilia and Sam, who have worked so hard in preparation for this important Sacrament.

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  • Year 4 Everdon Residential

    Published 03/08/22

    Year 4 children headed off to Everdon for their residential. They had such a fantastic time. Thank you Mr Kinahan Brown, Miss Willis and Mr Whybrow for accompanying the children and giving up their time.

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