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Multi-Faith Week

All classes have been doing a variety of activities based around multi-faith week. We began the week with an introductory assembly, where we discussed different faiths and promoted the values of tolerance and respect for those who have different views to our own. I have loved seeing what all the classes have been getting up to, including: storyboard creation, cookery, Hindu pastel artwork, rangoli patterns and painting under the tables to imagine what painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel might have been like!

Reception have been busy this week, taking part in lots of activities for Multi-Faith Week.

Monday we drew pictures of what we think Jesus looked like.

Tuesday we looked at a variety of crosses and made our own to create a stain glass window.

Wednesday we looked at Christian symbols and their meanings. We looked at how Churches are decorated with the symbols and then had ago at painting our own Church ceilings by placing paper under the tables.

Thursday we will be looking at how Christian’s worship God in all different kinds of Churches.

Friday they learnt a song.

Year 1 enjoyed investigating religious symbols and learnt that churches are often decorated with these symbols.  We painted patterns using the symbols and pretended we were Michelangelo painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.